Working Moms: Torn between joy, guilt and dearth of opportunities?

Torn between joy, freedom, and guilt at leaving my then three-year-old daughter behind, I went to Europe to complete a part of my study programme in International Business in May 2015. My friends know what a conflicting time it was for me, given I had to miss moments such as my daughter's first day at school. I was judged aplenty by anybody and everybody. I was discouraged by many from going to Europe, just like I was discouraged from pursuing a steady career, afterwards. I persisted. Thankfully, my parents, my sister and my little daughter stood by me. I continued to work from home for two years, after birthing my son in 2017, until I was pushed to quit work for assorted reasons. Trust me, I fought till the last. I freelanced and consulted. I slogged it out for peanuts, only to run into an enormous blank wall, from time to time. I know that I am not alone in this journey. I would like to share a friend's true story here. This was a girl who always wanted t...